There are three different styles of music videos such as;
Performance: A performance style video is when the artist displays the music video through the form of singing or dancing and displays the video as if the audience can be watching the video live at a concert. The artist tend to display less of a theme and narrative and just deliver their song as if they are performing the song to an actual audience. A performance videos focuses on showing footage of the artist or band either in a casual environment i.e socialising with friends, or performing live performance or staged performance. These videos tend to portray the artist as realistic as possible as it is the only artist they are showing. It is commonly that clips of performances are used to develop the music video. Performance style generally show more footage of the artist than the other styles of music videos.
Narrative: A narrative style video is when the artist deliver the video through the form of a story being told to the audience so that the audience to engage more within the lyrics and understand the artist feeling/thoughts and build a better relationship between the artist and audience. Often the video tells a story either that features in the lyrics or is suggested in the lyrics. The narrative can also be similar to a mini film, with a beginning, middle and end. Narrative styled videos can also promote a film with clips from the film including telling a story. This style relies on imagery to produce a story for the audience to follow and some narrative videos include clips from films that the song has been featured in as it will encourage the audience to become more engaged and build a better relationship between the audience and artist.
Concept: A concept music video is selling the audience an idea/theme or ideology. Furthermore, it also delivers a moral or message towards the audience to try and help and motivate the audience more. Concept videos are based around a single idea or concept and are usually unusual and obscure, even surreal for the audience. The unusual content is an attraction to many consumers, which draws them in. Concept videos usually are combined with one of the other two styles as the market demands for greater accessibly rather than the somewhat niche that is pure concept art. There are various themes that can be used depending on what type of genre the music video is. Furthermore, there can be a use of a lot of different symbols to build up a meaning or message. There is often a fast editing and montages used as each shot are commonly on a few seconds to help create a meaning.
Within my research, I will be analysing a popular pop song "Girls Aloud - Biology" which was released in 2005 and falls in the genre of girl band music videos.
I believe there are many purposes for this music video such as aiming to attract a wider audience by creating more publicity by promoting their song further. Furthermore, I also believe another purpose is to express their feelings and also try to give the audience a better taste of their personality to build a better relationship and connection with the audience. I also find that the video was created to help display the different genre conventions as it would bring more excitement and interest to the audience. Also, by creating a music video, this allows the video to be available to anyone in the world to view the video which then allows the audience to watch it globally and have more access. Furthermore, by creating a music video, it make it easier for the audience to identify the song and will create a word of mouth which would then increase the popularity of the video. I also find that they created the video to express their unity as a girl band while including a lot of creativity. The music video wasn't made for men to become huge fans of the band but more to gain attention as attention just means more popularity for the band. The song is about the female wanting to be the lead in the relationship and wanting the male to pay more attention to her; what she says, what she does, and how she acts. She wants the boy to notice them in more than a sexual way. There is no clear link between the visuals and the lyrics which is made clear from the lack of males in the video and the strong female lead in the video. This then creates a purpose of the artist wanting to create a message that women are more than icons for sex and that there is more to them also portraying that they deserve more respect.

I find that this music video is most likely to be targeted at older girls/women. I come to this conclusion as the song/music video is women wanting to be treated as women and not sex objects and wanting men to have more respect for them. The women want to show that they are just as dominant and if not even more dominant and that they want men to pay more attention to do them and see them as people from what they do in their everyday life. I find that song/music video appeals to the target audience as a lot of older girls/women tend to feel disrespected by men and feel that they can only get men's attention by acting sexually as that is what attracts the men to the women. Especially in a lot of marriages, women tend to feel that they are the weaker sex and are only associated with only when it comes to sexual activities. I find that this video is a freedom of speech for all women that feel like this and put the thoughts in the form of a song portraying that men don't do anything and don't give them enough attention. Furthermore, the lyrics 'say you love me and not my dirty brain' is women speaking up saying that they want men to love them for who they and not just for sex. This music video would help to give women more confidence to stand up to men and get the right respect and attention that they think they deserve. Furthermore, it's also showing that women are upset by these actions so for example the use of happy, confident facial expressions being worn on the members will help to give more confidence to women so that they don't have to hide away and be unhappy during their relationships.
To conclude I have learned that you need to be choose wisely of who your target audience is as it will determine the success. The song that you choose to present has to fit in with your target audience otherwise it will become a struggle for the audience to engage and build relationships with the artist which means the music video will lose popularity therefore classing it as unsuccessful. It is also very important that the codes and conventions for a particular genre must follow through otherwise it causes confusion to the audience and they will not be able to understand. There also has to be a consistency as any faults in between sections may lose interest within the audience which means the engagement that was being built up will fail. I also learned that conventions such as setting/locations are very important as where the music video is taking place as the location needs to be ideal for the lyrics and genre being included within the music video. I think music videos are very effective and have a great impact on various audiences. For instance, I find that a narrative style music video contributes to help tell a story and make the story come alive which means the audience are enabled to build better relationships and have more engagement as they will feel more feelings and emotions. I find that a concept style video is important as it has a good chance of gaining huge popularity as the style of video contributes to selling the audience an idea/theme which means the audience will become more engaged and included. If the conventions being used within the video doesn't associate with the concept behind the video then it will be poor and unsuccessful. I find that the performance style video is based more on entertainment and creating a more enjoyable atmosphere and is also vital to include the correct conventions as any incorrect convention will decrease entertainment within the atmosphere. Based on this analysis, I am considering creating music video based on the genre of girl bands using the style of narrative as I find that the narrative includes and engages the audience more and makes them feel more involved and they display their feelings and emotions and now that I have learned and analysed the different codes and conventions being used within a girl band genre, I now know how I could make my music video popular and successful.
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