There are various purposes for television music videos such as giving the audience more entertainment on a 24 hour basic along with listening to their favourite songs. Furthermore, music channels provide interviews with A list artist so audience's can find out more information about their favourite artist resulting them in becoming more engaged with the artist music they are producing and also create a better relationship between the audience and the artist.

Heart Fm Tv:
To the left is a music schedule for what songs are being played. Heart is owned by a conglomerate company called 'Global Radio'. Global Radio owns many radios such as Heart, Capital, Smooth, Gold and Classic fm in which they whole provide music channel services to televisions. Being owned by a large company means that the company can increase their profit income and use the profit to buy more music industries and increase the success within their company and create a better recognition. Furthermore, if the company is becoming more successful then they will automatically receive more recognition which means other well know companies may want to work along side and build a vast company and become even more successful. Within the logo there is the word 'heart' written in red with a white background but the 'a' is written in the shape of the art. I find that the company has done this so that it makes their logo more unique as they are adding their own companies touch. Also, the heart can represent that their is a passion for music within the company means that the audience and listeners may create a better relationship if they know the people displaying the music have a passion for music as it would engage them more. Furthermore, the red on top of a white background makes the writing stand out more which then means the company can receive more recognition and captures more attention from the audience and also makes the logo more memorable.
Magic Tv:

There are various artist that make appearances within their music on this channel such as Pharrel Williams, Take That, Queen, Michael Jackson and Abba. This is ideal for the audience as these artist are not being included in modern and recent years music however have created a intriguing experience for the past generations for older audiences, therefore music by these artist being played would be more ideal for the audience. Magic television channel is owned by "The box plus network". This company is a conglomerate has it is a big company that owns various smaller ones such as Magic, Smash Hits and KISS Tv. Being owned by a conglomerate company is ideal for smaller ones as it provides a higher recognition meaning other companies can invest in the company more which will result in higher profits being made which will determine a higher success within the company meaning they themselves can also invest in other companies to build a higher growth. This company particular bases themselves with music television channels therefore is more ideal has the company has more of a focus. Within the logo, it has been designed fairly simple by the word "magic" being written in a simple font with a green circle shape above the 'i'. There is only one green within the title so I find that this symbolises that there is a spark within the music that the channel displays. Also, the title is on a white background so that it captures more attention and is more eye-catching to audiences.
I don't believe their is a specific age group the music targets however I believe that the music has a target audience for audiences that enjoy the rock genre. Below I have provided an evening schedule of what would be playing on the channel. "We Want The Rock" is ideal for the channel as the majority of viewers watching have a strong passion for rock music and this programme is only providing rock music. The title "we want the rock" just shows how passionate the programme and the channel is about rock music so rock music audiences would have more entertainment and joy watching this channel. Also, the programme after "RockZombies: 25 US Mega Monsters!" again shows that the term 'rock zombies' are people who listen to rock music till they die which shows they are passionate about this genre. All the programmes are only about rock and no other genre therefore if audience have a obsession with this genre then this is the ideal channel for them as they can be more satisfied in comparison to other music channels. There are various rock artist being played on a daily basis such as Fall Out Boy, Black Stone Cherry, Royal Blood and Marilyn Manson who are all famous rock musicians.
Kerrang is owned yet again by The Box Plus Network who is a conglomerate who owns various companies as mentioned in the previous music channel 'Magic' as they are owned by the same company. Within the logo, it is set like a ticket as if the audience are being invited to come and listen and watch the music that is being played. This idea can also be developed by the idea of the barcode. The white on top of the redish colour also makes the writing more bold and eye-catching for the audience.

AKA television is owned by "All around the world productions" who also owns other channels such as Greatest Hits TV, Planet Pop and Clubland TV. This company is a small one which is beneficial as it can focus more on the AKA television rather than managing various other television companies giving it a smaller attention and focus meaning its likely to go unsuccessful. Within the logo there is a large 'AKA' in the centre in white, bold capitals meaning it stands out a lot to the audience. Also, there seems to be a black figured gangster leaning against the 2nd 'a' to separate the letters. I find that this is intriguing as it is giving a glimpse of what the style of music the channel provides to their audiences by using the concept of symbolism.
I believe MTV is broken down into various different channels (base, hits, dance, rock, classic) so that they can appeal to their audiences more. This is by providing the audience the specific genre that they want to listen to and watch rather than providing genres that they may not be interested in resulting in losing viewers. The audience will have the ability to watch the genre of their preference which is more likely to boost the views meaning more success is created. Furthermore, they can also listen to other songs that fall into that specific genre and perhaps find other songs that intrigue them. Also, if a specific artist belongs to one of the genre, a common interview with the artist can take place on the channel of their music genre meaning the audience can become more educated.
I believe music channel are important in appealing to an audience as it is vital that the music that is being provided on the channel matches the channels concept. For example, a pop channel is more likely to lose viewers and become less successful if it starts including rock music. Furthermore, audiences want to view artist and their musics on that channel and are more likely to become more engaged if this happens. Music channels are created to deliver entertainment to music fans so it is important that the channels enables the audience to become more engaged.
I find that there are a variety of different music channels and different channels provide different concepts and genres so that they appeal to a specific target audience within the music audiences. It enables the audience to find their ideal channel which plays their favourite kind of music without listening to music that does not appeal to them.
I have learned from analysing music channels the different types of genres that can be included and how specifically the channels aim to interest their audience by playing a variety of different programmes linked to the genre of the channel and how easily accessible these channels can be. It will help me within my own production as the genre of my music video will have to be appropriate for the channel that displays my work. Furthermore, I have also learned the different companies that own these channels and how they can benefit from the music industry. I will now have a better knowledge of what company will be more appropriate for my video.
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